Nest Box Installations & Ongoing Monitoring
We're passionate about creating a haven for all creatures great and small. That's why we offer expert nest box installations, providing the perfect habitat for a variety of arboreal mammals and bird species.
Supporting Local Wildlife:
Nest boxes offer a vital resource for local wildlife, especially in areas with limited natural nesting cavities. Our installations ensure these valuable shelters are placed strategically, attracting a diverse range of mammals and birds, and promoting a healthy and balanced ecosystem.
The Right Box for the Right Creature:
We understand that different species have specific needs. That's why we supply a variety of high-quality nest boxes, each designed to attract and accommodate specific wildlife types. From possums and gliders to microbats and birds, we can provide the perfect nest box to suit your local habitat and target species. Taking into consideration factors like sun exposure, prevailing winds, predator access, and suitable entry sizes for your target species. This ensures your nest boxes are placed in the optimal locations for successful nesting and raising young.
Beyond Installation: Ongoing Support:
We're here to help you cultivate a thriving wildlife sanctuary. We provide ongoing support and advice on nest box maintenance and monitoring, ensuring your animal residents have a safe and comfortable home for years to come..